Tuesday, February 28, 2023
Media Studies and TV Production: Collision?
Monday, February 27, 2023
Characters and Fashion
As for the characters, we decided the roles. Zach and I will be the men that find the dog, and Eric will be the businessman who lost his dog. We will use either Zach or Eric's dog.
The props will include Eric's modified car and Zach's convertible to demonstrate the businessman's wealth. His clothes and accessories will also reflect this fact.

Sunday, February 26, 2023
A Realization: Recurring Theme
In the past several films that I have researched, I began to notice a common theme of fatherhood. However, as is with social norms, this theme is not always represented in a positive light. Although these films usually end on a positive note where the lead overcomes such problems, the prospect of being a father in comedy is often made fun of.
In all of the movies in the family comedy subgenre, the male lead(s) have all had some kind of trouble with work, or work is an obstacle. For example, in The Pacifier, Vin Diesel is demonstrated as a tough Navy SEAL who has been through many serious tasks that are usually completed by men. However, as soon as he is assigned a mission that deals with children or the simulation of being a father, he has much more trouble and is shown dealing with constant issues.
The case is similar for 3 Men and a Baby and Daddy Day Care. As men who are used to working, they have trouble doing something they have never had to do before, which is being a father. While a woman with a child would usually be shown as a miracle or something beautiful, a man with a child is oftentimes demonstrated as funny or as an ordeal.
Nonetheless, our film will focus on a similar basis as these movies, because it is funny. Whether it be dark comedy or comedy that puts a group in a negative light, comedy is subjective. Although women are evidently favored as the main parental figure, it is true that both genders are meant for their respective natural roles. Of a father that protects and provides, and a mother that loves and tends to their children. With this in mind, our film will present two men with something they have had to deal with before, taking care of baby.
Saturday, February 25, 2023
Movies Similar to My Plot
Although 3 men and a baby is very similar to our plot, there are other movies that hold a similar idea. The comedy genre consists of dozens of different types of plot lines, and whether it be an action or a family comedy, many include the prospect of babies, or something of the same nature that the lead must take care of.
One of these movies is Daddy Daycare.
Friday, February 24, 2023
Comedy Film Plot #1
In any film, an important part of the planning process is always to form the plot. The plot, or the story itself, consists of the main events of a play, novel, movie, or similar work, devised and presented by the writer as an interrelated sequence. Although there are many different plot types, our movie will consist of a group of individuals that have to overcome an issue of having to deal with an issue, and through a cycleof hilarity, will ultimately solve it.
Our plot will be similar to the movie "Three Men and a Baby", a movie in which two successful yet unmarried men come across a baby in front of their loft, abandond by a young woman. They also receive a letter stating that the child, named Mary, belongs to Jack, but he's away on business. Michael and Peter are then forced to care for Mary and though they make hopeless babysitters, they soon become attached to the girl.
However, instead of a baby, we will film the concept of a dog lost by its owner, Eric. The dog will show up to our porch, and Zach and I will have to take care of this dog. While we do this, we will have to find Eric to return the dog to him in the process. As our project a film opening, we will include the part of Zach and I coming home, and not an address, but a city on the dog's collar to return him to.
Moving forward, we will attempt to adapt this plot and improve it if necessary.
Thursday, February 23, 2023
Group Meeting #1
After several missed classes, I showed up to class after the second lockdown and began a group meeting. As stated before, this group meeting was productive, and shed light on many new perspectives on plot and themes in our video. Although my partner Zach was not there, now I feel as if I can imrpove the plot and suggest it to Zach next time I see him, as I had several valuable conversations that I feel could help me brainstorm ideas.
My teacher, who had been conducting these group meetings for years, split us up into three groups of four so that we could all have some time to talk about our plot, listen to others' ideas and suggestions, then repeat the same process with every individual student in the group. Almost all students had a deeper idea or theme that they wanted to demonstrate. For example, Victoria wanted to show that queer relationships don't have to be portrayed in a homophobic light.
This is when I realized my plot so far is, undoubtedly, superficial, and a bigger theme is necessary to create a good plot. A higher purpose will, in most cases, greatly improve a film and attract a larger audience. In the future, I will use this learning experience to my advantage to improve my story.
Lockdown and Other Obstacles
Friday, February 17, 2023
The Comedy Genre
Our genre, comedy, is usually fictitious refers to discourses or works that are meant to make people laugh, whether they appear in theater, movies, stand-up comedy, television, radio, books, or any other form of entertainment.
Out of the many types of comedies, some of the most popular are: Satire, Parody, and Dark comedies.
One example of a Satire is Don't Look Up. In this movie, two low-level astronomers must go on a giant media tour to warn mankind of an approaching comet that will destroy planet Earth. The only issue is, that nobody really cares and people are corrupted by the media into believing otherwise. Even with scientific proof, people will not care about something that could greatly affect them largely because of modern ignorance and politics. The director uses comedic elements to make light of the serious issues that the film represents.
Thursday, February 16, 2023
Cambridge Portfolio #1
Transitioning into the Cambrdige Portfolio project, I am now more confident in my abilities to create media in a more sophisticated manner. I have already chosen Zach Simpson as my team member, and although we're good friends and we mess around a bit, we work well together and get our work done.
So far we have already thought of our film idea. A comedy film based on three men and a dog, combined with aspects of drama. We will find a third actor, preferrably our friend Eric (who is not in the class) who we think could fulfill the role of goofiness, our goal for this film. By making people laugh through silliness, we will aim for a wide target audience from teens to the elderly.
With this idea in mind, I will continue to use what I learned throughout the year and past projects to nurture this project in the best of my ability.
Wednesday, February 8, 2023
Music Marketing #2
This was our first page of the storyboard used for the music video. We had our group members Clover and Zach draw the images, as they were more artistically inclined.
Creative Critical Reflection
With this, I proudly present the end of my project and the end of my journey. I reflect on this project not only as something that helped me...
With this, I proudly present the end of my project and the end of my journey. I reflect on this project not only as something that helped me...
IT'S DONE !!!!!!!! https://drive.google.com/file/d/1g9Yh_KYO4uZad9qELOLmakdEX5e4lmUx/view?usp=sharing Special shoutout to Kyle for letti...
We had originally planned to record on Wednesday. However, due to incomplete planning and subpar preparation, we could not record that day, ...